Why Follow?

Let me be an encouragement to you that you may see there is joy in surrendering your time to the Lord. Join me in spending the first part of your day with our Savior! I recommend journaling and meditating on what you see in the Word...

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Still Here

Well- It's now been a month since my last post and I am still entrenched in a project that requires my morning hours in study and preparation of a 10-part series on the Christian Faith.

I think it may be as long as another month before I will be able to return to my journaling practice in my daily reading. I truly long to get back to this regular verse by verse study and I hope that anyone looking at this is themselves digging daily into God's Word for the nourishment of their soul.

Soli Deo Gloria!


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Thanks for commenting- I will probably post it if you dont seem to be a crazy person!