Why Follow?

Let me be an encouragement to you that you may see there is joy in surrendering your time to the Lord. Join me in spending the first part of your day with our Savior! I recommend journaling and meditating on what you see in the Word...

Friday, March 23, 2012

Be a doer

Being my first post, it is fitting that it begin with the verse that was most responsible for pushing me through my self deception and into absolute surrender...

Paraphrase it:  Doer of the word James 1:22-25

Do not hear the word (by reading, by hearing God's call, by hearing a sermon, by receiving a truth from a faithful friend) without immediately doing what the Lord has asked.  You deceive yourself if you think you know who you are when you deny Christ and do not respond to His guidance.  I am deceived if I think I believe the word of God without surrendering to do what He asks.  Like Rick Warren put it "You only believe the parts of the bible that you actually do".

Thank you Lord for giving me ears to hear, despite my hardened heart, and revealing this truth to me.  Coupled with Matthew 6:33
33 "But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." This truth has brought me to Andrew Murray's claim that we each choose to deny self or to deny Christ each day.

Lord, you have shown me that I have been deceived for so many years and I have failed to see what I look like; who I am.  I have hidden myself behind broad claims of my beliefs and convictions that, if examined, are not manifested in my daily life (routine).  I can no longer accept lies about what I am living for or what is important to me and I must be a doer each day I wake.  Thank you Lord for showing me this life changing truth and I pray that each day, as I seek first your kingdom and your righteousness, you will reveal to me the areas where I still need to surrender to you.

Lord, the absolute surrender that I believe you call me to is one that includes surrender of all that I am.  My eyes, ears, mouth, hands, feet (and everything these body parts represent), goals, desires, ambitions, perceived rights, emotions, resources, time...everything must be fully surrendered for the sake of seeking first your kingdom and your righteousness.  Let everything I ever think, say, or do be done in surrender to your Lordship.  Please show me what this looks like and provide me with the resolve to walk in this path.  I am already overcome with joy and I am assured by your word that you will bless me- James 1:25 "But the one who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, he will be blessed in his doing."  So therefore Lord, please bless me in my doing and let me know you and experience you; let me abide in you.

Lord please lead me to a mentor that has lived like this for many years and can help me gain perspective and keep me from deception.  A man like this I would love to follow and gain from his wisdom.  Please make it clear to me who this person is and may you place it on their heart to mentor me.  Perhaps I am yet deceived Lord, but I think there are many sincere christian men, but few fully surrendered men.  May my surrender to your Lordship manifest itself in the priority and activities of my day, every day, until I am bodily in your presence.  And may I teach this lifestyle to my family according to your perfect will.

Lord it is amazing how much time there is in a day when I am seeking you first; when I am surrendered.  That is a clear blessing according to your word in James 1:25!

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